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Information questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I receive the same product that I see in the picture?

We aim to provide accurate representations of their products, there can still be slight variations between the item in the picture and what you receive. However, at TruAtheleteGear we strive to minimize these differences. If you're concerned about the accuracy of the product depiction, it's a good idea to check customer reviews or contact the seller directly for more information.

Where can I view my sales receipt?

You can typically view your sales receipt in the following places:

  1. Email: We send a digital copy of your sales receipt to the email address associated with your account shortly after your purchase.

  2. Order History: If you created an account on our website before making your purchase, you can often find your sales receipt in your order history or account settings.

  3. If you're unable to locate your sales receipt using these methods, you may need to reach out to the customer service for assistance.

How can I return an item?

Review the Return Policy: Check our return policy to ensure your item is eligible for return and to understand any specific requirements or time limits.

Will you restock items indicated as “out of stock?”

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Where can I ship my order?

Review the Return Policy: Check our return policy to ensure your item is eligible for return and to understand any specific requirements or time limits.

Information about us